Dr. Fernando Yamamoto

Dr. Fernando  Yamamoto


  • Assistant Research Professor

Contact Information

Office: 662-686-3333
Delta Research and Extension Center



  • Texas A&M University, Ph.D., Wildlife and Fisheries Science
  • University of São Paulo, M.S., Animal Science and Pasture
  • Federal University of Santa Catarina, B.S., Aquaculture Engineering

Research Interests

Animal nutrition
Alternative ingredients
Feed formulation
Animal health



Year Publications

Gonçalves, L. U., Oliveira, J. B., Dantas, F. M., Yamamoto, F., Santos, D. 2025. Defatted black soldier fly meal in diets for juvenile pirarucu, Arapaima gigas: Digestibility, growth performance and health parameters. Aquaculture 598:742071.


Older, C., Richardson, B., Griffin, M. J., Reifers, J. G., Goodman, P., Ware, C., Gatlin III, D. M., Wise, D. J., Yamamoto, F. 2025. Impact of prebiotic and probiotic diets on gut bacterial microbiota and susceptibility to Edwardsiella ictaluri challenge in oxytetracycline-treated channel catfish. Journal of Fish Diseases 48(3).


Yamamoto, F., Older, C., Khoo, L. H., Romano, N., Richardson, B., Ott, B., Wise, D. J., Ware, C., Goodman, P., Reifers, J., Griffin, M. J. 2025. Dietary iron fortification did not affect the intestinal microbiome for channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) juveniles, but decreased their resistance against Edwardsiella ictaluri. Journal of Fish Diseases 48(3).


Suehs, B., Yamamoto, F., Older, C., Asiri, F., Gatlin III, D. 2025. Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate supplementation enhanced the growth and immune responses of juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). . Aquaculture 594(739429):1-10.


Santana, T., Dantas, F., Prestes, A., Jeronimo, G., da Costa, J., dos Santos, D., Pastrana, Y., Yamamoto, F., Goncalves, L. 2024. Evaluation and economic analysis of fermented fish viscera silage in diets for tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) and its effects on the physical quality of pellets, growth performance, health parameters. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 108:1665-1677.


Romano, N., Yamamoto, F., Rawles, S. D., Webster, C. D. 2024. Type of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae frass influences the nutritional value when included in a prepared diet for Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). Aquaculture 589:740946.


Silva, V., Mouriño, J., Martins, M., Carvalho, P., Rodrigues, E., Gatlin III, D., Griffin, M. J., Older, C., Yamamoto, F. 2024. Dietary supplementation of mineral nanoparticles for channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 50:2225-2236.


Bosworth, B. G., Koshy, M., Ware, C., Yamamoto, F., Byars, T., Wise, D. J. 2024. Susceptibility of Delta Select and Delta Control Channel Catfish lines to experimental Edwardsiella ictaluri and Edwardsiella piscicida infection. North American Journal of Aquaculture 86(3).


Huang, J., Jordan, H. R., Older, C., Griffin, M. J., Allen, P. J., Wise, D. J., Goodman, P., Reifers, J., Yamamoto, F. 2024. Lactococcus lactis MA5 is a potential autochthonous probiotic for nutrient digestibility enhancement and bacterial pathogen inhibition in hybrid catfish (Ictalurus punctatus × I. furcatus). Journal of Fish Diseases 47(10).


Yamamoto, F., Huang, J., Suarez-Barazeta, C., Craig, S., Older, C., Richardson, B., Santana, T., Griffin, M. J., Reifers, J. G., Goodman, P., Gatlin III, D. M. 2024. Exploring the nutritional value of corn fermented protein as a replacement for soybean meal in diets for juvenile channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus): impacts on production performance, intestinal health, and disease resistance. Aquaculture 587(740824):1-11.


Older, C., Richardson, B., Griffin, M., Waldbieser, G., Reifers, J. G., Lucas, P., Wise, D., Gatlin III, D., Yamamoto, F. 2024. Influence of probiotic and prebiotic supplementation on intestinal microbiota and resistance to Edwardsiella ictaluri infection in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) following florfenicol administration. Journal of Fish Diseases 47(4):1-10.


Yamamoto, F., Griffin, M., Richardson, B., Stilwell, J., Romano, N., Goodman, P., Reifers, J. G., Wise, D. 2024. Iron supplementation in the diets of hybrid catfish (Ictalurus punctatus × I. furcatus) juveniles affected haematocrit levels and potentially decreased disease resistance to Edwardsiella ictaluri. Journal of Fish Diseases 47(3):1-10.


Chen, K., Yamamoto, F., de Cruz, C., Gatlin III, D. 2024. Nutritional value of torula yeast as an alternative protein feedstuff for hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops × M. saxatilis). North American Journal of Aquaculture 86(1):74-83.


Older, C. E., Yamamoto, F., Griffin, M. J., Ware, C., Heckman, T. I., Soto, E., Bosworth, B. G., Waldbieser, G. C. 2023. Comparison of high‐throughput sequencing methods for bacterial microbiota profiling in catfish aquaculture. North American Journal of Aquaculture 86(1):39-54.


Romano, N., Datta, S., Sasmita, P., Sinha, A. K., Yamamoto, F., Beck, B., Webster, C. 2023. Dietary inclusions of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae frass enhanced production of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) juveniles, stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) and lavender (Lavaridula angustifolia) in an aquaponic system. Aquaculture 575:739742.


Luo, Q., Qian, R., Qiu, Z., Yamamoto, F., Du, Y., Lin, X., Zhao, J., Xu, Q. 2023. Dietary α-ketoglutarate alleviates glycinin and β-conglycinin induced damage in the intestine of mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio). Frontiers in Immunology 14:1140012.


Suehs, B., Yamamoto, F., Asiri, F., Gatlin III, D. 2023. Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate has limited effects on growth and immune responses of juvenile hybrid striped bass Morone chrysops × M. saxatilis, and red drum Sciaenops ocellatus based on in vivo and in vitro approaches. Aquaculture 570(739429):1-10.


Qiu, Z., Xu, Q., Xie, D., Yamamoto, F., Xu, H., Zhao, J. 2023. Effects of the replacement of dietary fish meal with poultry by-product meal on growth and intestinal health of Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis). Animals 865(13):1-14.


Carvalho, P. L., Xavier, W. d., Guimarães, M. G., Rodrigues, E. J., Furuya, W. M., Yamamoto, F., Pezzato, L. E., Gatlin, D. M., Barros, M. M. 2023. Dietary glutamine improves growth and intestinal morphology of juvenile GIFT tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) but has limited effects on innate immunity and antioxidant capacity. Aquaculture 563(1):738976.


Ordoñez, B. M., Santana, T. M., Carneiro, D. P., dos Santos, D. K., Parra, G. A., Moreno, L. C., Teixeira Filho, N. P., Aguilar, F. A., Yamamoto, F. Y., Gonçalves, L. U. 2022. Whole Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Hermetia illucens) as Dietary Replacement of Extruded Feed for Tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) Juveniles. Aquaculture Journal 2(4):246-256.


Yamamoto, F., Ellis, M., Bowles, P. R., Suehs, B. A., Carvalho, P. L., Older, C. E., Hume, M. E., Gatlin, D. M. 2022. Dietary Supplementation of a Commercial Prebiotic, Probiotic and Their Combination Affected Growth Performance and Transient Intestinal Microbiota of Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus L.). Animals 12(19):2629.


Romano, N., Sinha, A. K., Fischer, H., Nugroho, R. A., Powell, A., Yamamoto, F. 2022. Pregelatinized starch improves growth and mitigates adverse liver/intestinal histomorphology in largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, juveniles. Animal Feed Science and Technology 291:115381.


Candelaria, B., Yamamoto, F., Gatlin, D. M. 2022. The Effects of Dietary Cottonseed Oil on Growth Performance of Juvenile Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus L.) and Hybrid Striped Bass (Morone chrysops × M. saxatilis S.). Aquaculture Nutrition 2022(1077178).


Zhang, Y., Rossi, W., Yamamoto, F., Velasquez, A. M., Wang, A., Gatlin, D. M. 2022. Effects of Dietary Aflatoxin B1 on Hybrid Striped Bass (Morone chrysops × M. saxatilis) and Assessment of Supplemental Arginine as a Potential Aflatoxicosis Alleviator. Aquaculture Nutrition 2022(5161222).


Yamamoto, F. Y., Suehs, B. A., Ellis, M., Bowles, P. R., Older, C. E., Hume, M., Blake, G. G., Cammack, J. A., Tomberlin, J. K., Gatlin III, D. M. 2022. Dietary fishmeal replacement by black soldier fly larvae meals affected red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) production performance and intestinal microbiota depending on what feed substrate the insect larvae were offered. Animal Feed Science and Technology 283(115179).


Lee, P., Yamamoto, F., Low, C., Loh, J., Chong, C. 2021. Gut immune system and the implications of oral-administered immunoprophylaxis in finfish aquaculture. Frontiers in Immunology 12(773193).


Yamamoto, F., Chen, K., Castillo, S., de Cruz, C. R., Tomasso, J. R., Gatlin III, D. M. 2021. Growth and physiological effects of replacing fishmeal with dry-extruded seafood processing waste blended with plant protein feedstuffs in diets for red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus L.). Animal Feed Science and Technology 280(115046).


Yamamoto, F., Older, C. E., Hume, M. E., Rodrigues-Hoffmann, A., Gatlin III, D. M. 2021. Effects of butyrate, propionate, and their combination in vitro, and the impacts of their supplementation in high-plant-protein diets to the production performance, innate immune responses, and intestinal microbiota of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Aquaculture 545(737225).


Castillo, S., Yamamoto, F., O'Reilly, C., Fluckey, J. D., Gatlin III, D. M. 2021. Use of deuterium oxide (2H2O) to assess muscle protein synthesis in juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) fed complete, and valine-deficient diets. Amino Acids 53:1431-1439.


Extension Publications

Year Publications

Graduate Students

  • Cristian Suarez
  • Crystal Lodi
  • Jing Huang

Awards & Honors

  • William M. White Special Project Award
    Mississippi State DAFVM
  • Prof Dr. Newton Castagnolli award for best presentation
    8th International Symposium of Fish Nutrition and Health
  • Tom Slick Fellowship
    Texas A&M AgriLife Research
  • Innovation Challenge
  • Pinnacle Award
    International Ingredient Corporation

Society Memberships

  • American Fisheries Society
  • National Aquaculture Association
  • World Aquaculture Society