Student Organizations

CFR Dean's Council

The CFR Dean's Student Council provides the means for the exchange of information and ideas between the student body, faculty and administration. It coordinates and supports activities that enhance professional growth and social welfare of CFR students and provides counsel to the Dean on academic and extra-curricular aspects of student life. The Dean's Student Council plans and conducts the CFR Fall Bar-B-Que, the Annual Student Awards Banquet, and assists in welcoming visitors to the CFR ate events such as MSU Discovery Day. Membership is comprised of four elected officers (CFR Interschool Council) and the President/Chairman of each recognized CFR student organization.

Advisor: Cory Bailey | Email

College of Forest Resources Ambassadors

The CFR Ambassadors are a select group of students representing all departments within our college. Ambassadors are selected after submitting an application and attending an interview. Meetings are held every two weeks and responsibilities vary depending on the needs of the college.

Advisor: Cory Bailey | Email

Ducks Unlimited Bulldog Chapter

We are an organization dedicated to waterfowl and wetlands conservation. We are currently the # 5 collegiate chapter in the nation, and #1 collegiate chapter in Mississippi 4 years running!!!

Advisor: Brian Davis | Email | Link:


MANRRS is a student organization dedicated to individuals involved in agricultural, natural resources, and related fields throughout all stages of career preparation and participation.


Faculty Advisor: Derris Devost-Burnett | Email

MSU Student Subunit of the American Fisheries Society

Chartered in 1982, The MSU Student Subunit of the American Fisheries Society became one of only 30 student subunits in 1999. The student subunit provides social and professional interaction among MSU fisheries students and professional fishery scientist. Students, staff, and faculty are eligible for membership in the subunit. Only students may hold office. The MSU Student Subunit of the American Fisheries Society meets monthly during the fall and spring semesters.

Faculty Advisor: Wes Neal | Email | Link:

Pre-Veterinary Club

Students looking for exposure to all aspects of veterinary medicine will want to join the Pre-Vet Club. Students learn the procedures to apply for admission to vet school and participate in various fundraising events and social activities such as bowling and a trip to the national pre-veterinary student meeting.

Faculty Advisor: Derris Devost- Burnett | Email | Link:

The Wildlife Society

The MSU Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society is an official Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society, an international, nonprofit, scientific, and educational organization serving professionals in all areas of wildlife conservation and resource management. The goals of this organization are to enhance growth as wildlife professionals, to prepare for careers in wildlife, and to keep up to date on research findings, management issues, legislative activities and professional news. The Student Chapter offers not only a chance to meet other students interested in wildlife but also an opportunity to learn about current research and management programs. Both social and professional events are planned for the upcoming year.

Faculty Advisor: Leslie Burger and Chris Ayers | Email Leslie Burger | Link:

Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture Graduate Student Association

The Wildlife, Fisheries, and Aquaculture Graduate Student Association represents the needs, opinions, and interests of the WFA graduate students to the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Aquaculture, College of Forest Resources, and Mississippi State University. This organization also organizes and implements a guest-lecture series on topics related to wildlife, fisheries, and aquaculture open to the university.

Faculty Advisor: Andy Kouba | Email

Xi Sigma Pi

Xi Sigma Pi is the national forestry honor society. It was founded at the University of Washington in 1908. The MSU Chapter Alpha Theta was founded in 1971. The objectives of Xi Sigma Pi are to secure and maintain a high standard of scholarship in forest resources education, to work for the improvement of the forest resources profession, and to promote a fraternal spirit among those engaged in activities related to natural resources. Some of the qualifications for election to membership are: (1) 74 semester hours completed with 10 semester hours in CFR professional courses; (2) regular registration in the CFR for one semester; (3) minimum 3.00 GPA in total and CFR courses; and (4) character and personality. All students enrolled in the CFR are eligible for nomination.

Faculty Advisor: Krishna Poudel | Email

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